Promoting Independence At Home

Covering Harrogate, Knaresborough and surrounding villages.

Companionship, Meal Preparation

We offer companionship visits, from a cup of tea and a slice of cake at home to a trip to the shops or a walk around the local area.

Meal preparation, either served at meal times or we can batch cook and leave for heating later. Alternatively we can make a hot meal at lunch time and leave a sandwich for later, all our services are tailored to the individuals needs.

 Welfare/Medication Checks, Pop-Ins

Welfare and medication checks offer peace of mind to family and friends, we can ensure that medication is taken at the appropriate times and not forgotten. Either by physically popping in or we can prompt over the phone.

We also offer a remote service whereby we can telephone once or several times a day to prompt medication, check up if anything is needed and just have a chat.

We will happily be a port of call for lifeline {red button} services, either temporarily or permanent.

Dexcom Follow support is also offered.

Day Trips, Holidays, Memories

Shopping trips, escorting to coffee mornings or a day out at the seaside can all be organised. If we can make it happen we will.

From a week in Bridlington to cruising the Med - if we can assist in making dreams come true, then we will happily do so.

As a team we will try and bring individuals together, encouraging new friendships as well as partaking in activities that people perhaps felt they could no longer do.

We will do all we can to break down those barriers and encourage living life to the full.

Hello, I''m Julie Hamilton.

I have approximately 20 years of Home Care experiance, from working with agencies to soley on my own as initially a Personal Assistant.

Julie's Home Help came about as I saw the struggle people were having in living their lives to the full, be that from a disability or just a physical or mental decline. Agencies were often only available to assist with the basic day to day needs of individuals and were often very pushed for time, leaving little opportunity for actual interaction and stimulation which is what many individuals need and crave.

As a company we have progressed to a small team, who look upon the clients as family, and that feeling is mutual.

Clients and their families can be assured that they are getting the best care possible and all entirely tailored to their individual needs.